Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 17

Week 17

Baby Size: Onion
Baby Length: 5.1inches
Baby Weight:  5.9 ounces
What is developing: Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great! I am still tired and trying to get plenty of rest. Bronco is enjoying the late afternoon naps with me!
Yummy foods: Fresh Pineapple- at least it is healthy!
Anything on the calendar? Well we got all the baby furniture together- minus the hutch piece we are still waiting on. I love love love the furniture! Believe it or not there was no cussing or foul language used while putting the beautiful crib together! It was a team effort and of course Bronco wanted to help too! I think he is excited to have a play mate- I think back on my childhood memories and a lot of them include our golden retriever, Hobie. He was an awesome dog and I hope our children have the same experience with Bronco!

So sorry no picture from week 17. Look for this weeks 18th week picture.

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