Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 16

Week 16

Baby Size: Avocado
Baby Length: 4.6 inches
Baby Weight:  3.5 ounces
What is developing: The baby's eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great! I am still a little tired but I have a lot more energy.
Yummy foods: Fresh Pineapple
Anything on the calendar? We had our 16 week DR appointment on Monday September 10th! We heard the baby's heart beat and I must say it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. We also attending the Baptism class at IHM. Trying to get things knocked off the to do list early!!!!  The baby furniture is being delivered on Saturday September 15th. So we are working hard to get the ceiling painted and the carpet cleaned before the furniture arrives. So many exciting things going on! Just 3 more weeks and we be finding out the gender! YAY!!!!

I am sorry for the horrible quality pictures but my photographer (AKA: Phil) doesn't have any photography skills! :)

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