Saturday, February 16, 2013

37 weeks- February 4, 2013 (3 weeks to go!!)

Week 37
Only 3 weeks left!

Baby Size: Winter Melon
Baby Length: 18.5 inches
Baby Weight: 5.9 lbs
What is developing: She's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. She's getting her first sticky poop (called meconium) ready for her first diaper. Daddy can't wait to change it! :)
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great however sleeping is becoming much more a task than a hobby!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? This week have our 37 week appointment and this is my last week working. I am taking 6 months off work to spend time with Miss. Ava! I will miss my work and my friends at work but the time with my daughter is priceless.

Weekly picture to be posted soon.

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