Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 34- January 14, 2013 (6 weeks to go!)

Week 34

Baby Size: Butternut Squash
Baby Length: 17.5 inches
Baby Weight: 4.7 lbs
What is developing: She's recognizing and reacting to simple song. She's also urinating about a pint a day
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great! My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? We had our 34 week appointment tomorrow (1/15)! We start our every week appointments in two weeks at week 36. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Our house has officially turned into baby central!! Our wonderful friends from the Forest Hills Swim Club had a baby shower for us on Saturday and we got lots of goodies!

Items checked off the to do list/get ready list:
1. My bag is 45% packed (list is printed just waiting!)
2. Car seat and bases are ready to be put in the car- we are waiting until week 37 to get them into the cars
3. Stroller is put together
4. Pack n play (with changing table) is put together and on the first floor stocked with wipes and diapers
5. Swing is put together and posted in a cozy stop in the family room
6. Her bedroom is all ready!
7. Clothes are washed and put away

We still have two showers left and I can't begin to tell you how very lucky Phil and I are to have so many people in our lives who love us so much. We are very fortunate to have amazing family and friends.
Weekly picture coming soon.

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