Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 36- January 28, 2013 (4 weeks to go!!!)

Week 36 (only 4 weeks left!)
Baby Size: Honeydew
Baby Length: around 18.3 inches
Baby Weight: around 5.4 lbs
What is developing: She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own. Her skin is getting smooth and soft and her gums are rigid. Her liver and kidneys are in working order. Circulation and immune systems are basically good to go, too.
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great! My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? We have our 36 week appointment tomorrow (1/29)!
Weekly picture coming soon.

My Family Baby Shower- January 27, 2013

My sister and Ashley hosted my family and friends baby shower on January 27, 2013. We had a great turn out and I must say- Ava is spoiled already! We are so grateful for all the wonderful people who love us. Enjoy the pictures below.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Swim Friends Baby Shower

Some of our Swim friends has a baby shower for us on January 12, 2013. Enjoy the pictures!

Week 35- January 21, 2013 (5 weeks to go!!)

Week 35
Only 5 weeks left!

Baby Size: Coconut
Baby Length: 18 inches
Baby Weight: 5 lbs
What is developing: Her hearing is fully developed, and her responds best to high-pitched noises.
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great however sleeping is becoming much more a task than a hobby! :)
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? Next week we have our 36 weeks appointment and then we start having appointments every week. I have a baby shower this weekend that I am very much looking forward to. There will be a lot of friends and family I haven't seen in awhile!!!

Pictures are becoming brutal- my face looks fat and swollen... oh well!!! Enjoy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 34- January 14, 2013 (6 weeks to go!)

Week 34

Baby Size: Butternut Squash
Baby Length: 17.5 inches
Baby Weight: 4.7 lbs
What is developing: She's recognizing and reacting to simple song. She's also urinating about a pint a day
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great! My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? We had our 34 week appointment tomorrow (1/15)! We start our every week appointments in two weeks at week 36. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Our house has officially turned into baby central!! Our wonderful friends from the Forest Hills Swim Club had a baby shower for us on Saturday and we got lots of goodies!

Items checked off the to do list/get ready list:
1. My bag is 45% packed (list is printed just waiting!)
2. Car seat and bases are ready to be put in the car- we are waiting until week 37 to get them into the cars
3. Stroller is put together
4. Pack n play (with changing table) is put together and on the first floor stocked with wipes and diapers
5. Swing is put together and posted in a cozy stop in the family room
6. Her bedroom is all ready!
7. Clothes are washed and put away

We still have two showers left and I can't begin to tell you how very lucky Phil and I are to have so many people in our lives who love us so much. We are very fortunate to have amazing family and friends.
Weekly picture coming soon.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Week 33- January 7, 2013

Week 33

Baby Size: Durian Fruit
Baby Length: 17.2 inches
Baby Weight: 4.5 lbs
What is developing: She is keeping her eyes open while awake. She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening. And she going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!
How is mommy feeling? I am starting to have issues sleeping. I just can't seem to get comfortable and when I finally do- i have to pee! UGH! Its a losing battle!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? Our wonderful swim parent friends are throwing us a baby shower on Satruday. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and also all the wonderful pink stuff! This is a couples shower so I am very much looking forward to Phil opening majority of the presents!
Weekly picture coming soon.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 32

Week 32
Baby Size: Squash
Baby Length: 16.5 inches
Baby Weight: 4.4 lbs
What is developing: She's getting ready for her descent-she's likely in the head-down position now. And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.
How is mommy feeling? I am still feeling great! My belly keeps getting bigger and bigger! Sleeping is getting a little more difficult- can't seem to get comfortable.
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular
Anything on the calendar? We had our 32 week appointment today (1/4) and her heartbeat sounded great and strong! Blood pressure was great. She is also measuring right on track.

Sorry no picture this week- completely forgot! :)