Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 27

Week 27

Baby Size: Rutabaga
Baby Length: 14.3 inches
Baby Weight: 2.7 lbs
What is developing: She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs. She is showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex.
How is mommy feeling?I am still feeling good but starting to get uncomfortable. She is defiantly growing and moving around like crazy.
Anything on the calendar? We had a great Thanksgiving with my family and Friday went to get our Christmas tree. Our house is ready for Christmas! We have our 28 week dr appt next week.

I bet you may be wondering why i look like a hot mess in every single picture- well its becuase we take this picture on Monday nights when Phil gets home from swimming and i have already taken a nap, made dinner, and laid on the couch!

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