Week 20
Baby Size: Banana
Baby Length: 6.5 inches
Baby Weight: 10.6 ounces- She weighed 10oz on Thursday October 4th! Right on track!
What is developing: The baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth.
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great! My belly is getting bigger and bigger! I am very anxious to meet our little girl! I love her so much already!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular!
Anything on the calendar? I have a dr appt check up tomorrow (Tuesday October 9th). I spent weekend organizing all the clothes I got from my sister. My niece Aubree will be a year old in January so needless to say- we have a lot of very cute clothes from her! I am so looking forward to Aubree and our daughter having a close cousin relationship like i did with my cousins. Also I can't wait to make them matching holiday outfits like my mom did for us! ha I always said I wouldn't do that- but its just to darn cute!
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