Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 23

Week 23

Baby Size: Large Grapefruit
Baby Length: 11 inches
Baby Weight: 18 ounces or 1lb 2oz.
What is developing in our baby girl this week: Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as our dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb (let's hope not because Bronco likes to bark!).
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great. I just love feeling her move!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular!
Anything on the calendar? We have our hospital tour on Satruday- November 3rd.

Von Hertsenberg Baby Shower- October 27, 2012

We had our very first baby shower on Saturday night and wow did we get a lot of nice things! Thank you to everyone who was there or there in spirit! We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. My sister in laws did an amazing job!!

Enjoy the pictures!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 22

Week 22

Baby Size: Papaya
Baby Length: 11 inches

Baby Weight: 16 ounces or 1 pound
What is developing: The baby's senses are really developing this week. Taste buds are forming and nerve endings are developed enough for her to experience the sensation of touch.
How is mommy feeling? I have been feeling great! The occasional head aches here and there but over all I feel great. I am so lucky I have been able to do all the crafts I've wanted for her room as well as paint it all pretty pink!!!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular!
Anything on the calendar?
Busy weekend ahead! Our first baby shower! The Von Hertsenberg shower is this weekend (Saturday) and I am very excited! Also we are celebrating my dad's birthday on Sunday with my family- our celebration will consist of craving pumpkins and eating mom's homemade greek chili!!!

Her first TUTU!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 21

Week 21

Baby Size: Pomegranate
Baby Length: 10.5 inches
Baby Weight: 12.7 ounces
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great! I am still able to wear most of my pants with the help of a hair band but hey that still counts! It is amazing how much this little girl is moving! I think she is going to be a dancer for sure.
Yummy foods: Not having any particular cravings. I am still having a hard time looking at raw meat. YUCK!
Anything on the calendar? No DR appts this week. Today is Bronco's 1st birthday!! We are going to celebrate with Frosty Paws for him and ice cream for me and Phil!!! Busy week ahead- Pumpkin Festival and Bengal's game. The baby's room is all painted and all the furniture is put together.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 20

Week 20

Baby Size: Banana
Baby Length: 6.5 inches
Baby Weight:   10.6 ounces- She weighed 10oz on Thursday October 4th! Right on track!
What is developing: The baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth.
How is mommy feeling? I am feeling great! My belly is getting bigger and bigger! I am very anxious to meet our little girl! I love her so much already!
Yummy foods: Nothing in particular!
Anything on the calendar?  I have a dr appt check up tomorrow (Tuesday October 9th). I spent weekend organizing all the clothes I got from my sister. My niece Aubree will be a year old in January so needless to say- we have a lot of very cute clothes from her! I am so looking forward to Aubree and our daughter having a close cousin relationship like i did with my cousins. Also I can't wait to make them matching holiday outfits like my mom did for us! ha I always said I wouldn't do that- but its just to darn cute!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's a Girl!! Ultrasound Pictures 19 weeks 3 days

A GIRL!!!!!!

So we had our 20 week ultrasound done on October 4th. The night before I said to Phil, "If you really don't want to find out- I am willing to reconsider!" The entire night I tossed and turned with anticipation of finding out the gender of the blessing growing inside of me. I know a lot of people have their opinions of whether to wait or find out but I needed to know. I think its a decision you have to make and be prepared to accept your decision. I had a feeling that the miracle in my belly was a girl but I wanted Phil to have that connection as well. When the ultrasound confirmed my feelings I was in shock! Not only was I right but my mom was too (well darn I guess I should just give up and start listening to her more often- ok that sounded good for about 5 seconds! :)

I was going to be happy with blue or pink, trucks or dolls, football or ballet- I personally wanted to know! So our little bundle of joy is a girl and I am still trying to wrap my mind around it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 19

Week 19

Baby Size: Mango
Baby Length: 6.0 inches
Baby Weight: 8.5 ounces
What is developing: Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid.
How is mommy feeling? I feeling great! I am very anxious to find out the gender of our baby on Thursday! Everyone keeps asking me- "So what do you think you are having?!?!". I really just want a healthy baby by my body is telling me girl for some reason. It may be right it may be wrong. I will be happy with a boy or a girl! Phil and I have spend a great deal of times talking about names- between the both of us we know a lot of kids/people so a lot of names are out. We haven't decided how or when we will be telling people the gender or the name we have chosen- but please watch the blog for an update!
Yummy foods: Hot Sauce (this isn't something new- I love hot sauce pre-pregnancy and now during pregnancy!) I thought for sure I would get heart burn but they say you get heart burn if the baby has a lot of hair... well if you didnt already know- I was bald until I was 3- the likely hood of our baby having hair is- well lets say very slim! :)
Anything on the calendar? It's gender week! We have an ultrasound on Thursday!!!