Friday, July 27, 2012

Our kitchen remodel!!!

I just want to start out by saying Phil did such an amazing job putting my vision to life! I only helped start the wall removal (funny story- Phil was at a swim meet and I started the wall demo- he came home and it was 70% done! :) i know...GO ME!)

Our first two years of marriage

We celebrated our second anniversary on May 22, 2012. Phil of course had to work but we had a very nice dinner at El Coyote. The first two years have flown by and we very much looking forward to what the years ahead have instore for us!

Follow us as we reflected back on the last two years....

May 22, 2010- the day our two souls became one! We said I do for life and truly meant it. We celebrated our Wedding with all our families and friends- and I must say it was the time of our lives! After all the wedding festivities we went on an amazing honeymoon to Antigua.

October 2011- we purchased our first "home". We moved from the west side of Cincinnati to Anderson Township. We love our home.

November 2011- we brought Bronco into our home and our lives have been forever changed. He is a black lab mix and is a very spoiled puppy :)